Murfreesboro Red Tent

Murfreesboro Red Tent is a community of women/LGBTQNB that meet once a month to celebrate and honor The Divine Feminine. Red Tent Gatherings are for all ages, Maiden, Mother, and Crone. We sit in sacred circle, create tribal art, share our wisdom, and eat a delicious meal together.

  • The Red Tent Movement is a women’s collective response to the best selling novel, The Red Tent, written by Anita Diamant in 1997. The book is a historical fiction story that details the life of the Biblical character, Dinah, daughter of Jacob and Leah, sister of Joseph. The Red Tent refers to the tent where (according to the ancient laws) women must retreat to while they are menstruating or giving birth. The story is about the relationships that are formed in the tent. The book inspired women to create their own Red Tent gatherings all over the world. The Red Tent represents “The Mother Womb” where we all come from.

  • In 2017, I attended my first Red Tent in Nashville. I was touched by the vulnerability, transparency, and strength of all those who attended. It felt like a sacred space, a way for women to be themselves without judgement. It felt EMPOWERING. In 2019, I co-facilitated my first Red Tent outdoors with Mariah Norton @ Hop Springs Brewery in Murfreesboro. After my home and studio was built, we moved our gatherings to Spirit Oak Lodge. Sandra Seward and I currently co-facilitate RT. Although RT is a women inspired group, on special occasions we include men, children and significant others.

Hayley and Mariah

Hayley and Sandra